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How to donate

How to donate for the Paam Laafi “Health for All” project in Burkina Faso


There are several ways you can support the Paam Laafi projects. Please if things remain unclear contact or call 0022676141460

There are 4 major activities you can donate to:

  1. Building the Hospital (about 5.000.000 US$ needed over the next 10 years)
  2. Medical Check-up All-in Primary Schools (15 US$ per child, with a capacity of approx. 3.000 kids per year, resulting in a total yearly cost of 45.000 US$)
  3. Building the Children’s Community Center with housing for the hospital staff (approx. 3.000.000 US$ in the coming 5 years)
  4. Support of local doctors to specialize and become local missionaries to their own people (7.200 US$ per doctor per year and max 5 doctors per year being trained simultaneously resulting in a yearly total of 36.000 US$)

For all Countries and no tax receipt necessary

Direct wire to Paam Laafi’s Bank Account in Burkina Faso (no admin costs= all funds go to the projects of Paam Laafi AND SPECIFY ONE OF THE ABOVE MAJOR ACTIVITIES)

IBAN: BF51 C008 4010 0507 0208 0000 203


 Address: Association Paam Laafi, 06 BP 9369 Ouagadougou 06, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

For the US:

If a tax receipt needed:

In the US you can give through SIM. Search for project ID “93931”, then click on “Give” next to “Health for All” project

(15% of the donation goes to SIM administration for administrative costs, 10% state side, 5% Burkina Faso side)

For one time donations and no tax receipt necessary:

A check can be made out to Oak Hills Church. On the memo line, please have them write "Burkina Faso Medical, 20570". It can be mailed to:

Oak Hills Church
6929 Camp Bullis Rd
San Antonio, TX 78256
Attn: Becky Montez

For Belgian donors

Through Tearfund Belgium

IBAN BE41 4359 1900 0110, Swift KREDBEBB
mentioning :

code 71008 for the hospital and
code 73015 for the mobile clinics

For donations in Great Britain

through ‘Stewardship’, account number is 20121779 (Julie Khan Giving Services Advisor – Recipient Support Tel: 020 8502 8560) E-mail: